Located within the Loraine district, approximately one mile north of Loraine, the Barbarossa mine was active during two brief periods in the early 1900’s. Around 1904, 2,000 tons of ore were mined. Later, around 1912-1914, an additional 900 tons were mined. It was reported that the ore averaged one ounce of gold and one ounce of silver per ton. Ore was transported to the nearby Amalie mill.
A 137′ inclined shaft extends from the surface to the Finley level at 70ft and to the middle level at 137′. Between these two levels there are approximately 700′ of drifts and crosscuts. The Parlow level was later developed from a point approximately 208 feet below the portal to the Finley level. It was driven in an attempt to find other ore bodies which were never found of high enough grade to mine at a profit.
- Troxel, B. W., and Morton, P. K., 1962, Kern County, California Div. Mines and Geology County Rept. 1, pg. 95.