Gwynne and Jennette Mines


Known for being one of the largest producers in the the Green Mountain Mining District, the Gwynne and Jennette Mines , approximately three miles northeast of Piute, produced over $770,000. They encompass several different mining claims including; Chief, Jennette, Jennette Annex, Hard Luck, Shasta, Mace Ranch and Dead Tree, roughly 445 patented acres. The mine is situated at approximately 7500′.


Three veins were actively worked, the Jennette, the Gwynne, and the Kersey. Both the Gwynne and Jennte veins varied in size from 12 inches to 2 feet. All three veins show free milling high grade ore averaging $40 per ton.

Mine Development

In 1933 it was reported that the Gwynne and Jennette mines had produced approximately $500,000. The Gwynne vein was being actively worked via a 300ft shaft and two tunnels. The upper tunnel being 900ft in length and the lower main working tunnel about 1750ft in length. They were actively driving a 1600ft raise to the surface on this vein. The Kersey Vein, southeast of the Gwynne, was accessed via a 600ft tunnel, to a 85ft deep winze and then a drift north about 200ft in length. The Jennette vein was developed by a crosscut tunnel 150ft in length with a westward drift 700ft long. Two ore-shoots off the Jennette veing were developed to a length of 300ft. In this area, the vein was narrow, approximately six inches but it averaged $55/ton.

Gwynne Mine, Kern County CA

Gwynne Mine, Kern County CA